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What is a SAM Registration and how it can improve your business

Oct 22, 2023

A SAM registration can help your business in many ways besides just government contracting. By registering your business in SAM, the System for Award Management used by the federal government, it will open your business up to many new opportunities. A SAM registration can help create credibility for your company. It can also be used as a sales and marketing tool for your non-government, commercial client based business. A SAM registration can even help with search engine optimization as it creates a quality backlink for your business’s website. Believe it or not, there are many situations where a government contracting officer and buyer does not have a source to meet its requirements such as a socio-economic factor (small business, woman-owned, etc.). In these cases, they go searching for qualified businesses that are capable of meeting their requirements. If you have a SAM registration you could take advantage of these opportunities as a commercial subcontractor. By commercial subcontractor we mean a company that performs work for a prime contractor who holds the contract with the government. While you don’t need to have a SAM registration to do market research, the SAM website is a database that provides many reports and data for research, training and other resources for gaining a competitive advantage. If you are interested in adding government contracts as a revenue source for your business then now is the time to get going. The U.S. government fiscal year has just started which means new opportunities are becoming available to pursue. You won’t be able to take advantage without having a SAM registration. Many companies offer to sell you a SAM registration or help you create your registration at a cost. Please note that it is important for you to understand a SAM registration is completely free. This is not the area to spend money if you are interested in government contracting. As can be evidenced by a quick google search for a SAM registration, you could save thousands of dollars by educating yourself first. Please consider the free resources we have listed below which are available to you before going the paid route.  Of course, a SAM registration can be complex, time-consuming, and confusing to pursue. The best way to approach the process of registering your business is to first gather the required information. A checklist is available using the resources we have listed. Once you understand the type of information necessary you will be able to quickly go through each step.

Additional Tips and Resources:

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